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The Marshall Fire Hero Named Amber
Devastating news in Colorado took place as the Marshall Fire swept through multiple cities, taking out over 1200 houses and destroying...
Happy Howlidays 2021 Photo Contest Winners!
This week we hosted our third annual Happy Howlidays contest! We loved seeing all the adorable pups celebrating the holiday...
2021 Holiday Sleepovers with the BVSPCA!
Looking for the latest info on the Holiday Sleepover Dogs? You've come to the right place! We'll be sharing updates...
Cain's Custom Big Barker Crate
When we saw Cain in his custom Big Barker crate we knew we had to stop and ask him and...
Ravens Football Player, Ronnie Stanley, Has Founded An Amazing Foundation
You may have heard of Ronnie Stanley as the left tackle for the Ravens, who recently suffered a major injury...
What Are We Feeling Thankful For?
Here at Big Barker we are thankful each and every day because we get to do what we love. We...
Hazleton Police Department | Donation Event
Here at Big Barker, one of our favorite things to do is give back in our local communities to those...
How to Pick the Perfect Nickname for Your Dog
One of the funniest parts about having a dog is how their name evolves into a nickname. Sometimes you end...
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