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What Are We Feeling Thankful For?

What Are We Feeling Thankful For?

Here at Big Barker we are thankful each and every day because we get to do what we love. We love to help dogs around the world by giving them the bed support they need. Our community is also feeling very grateful this year. We asked our community members what they were thankful for this year and got some great answers.

What is the Big Barker Community Thankful For?


Check out what our community had to say about what they were thankful for:


1. A Loving Family

The relationships with family members are a great reason to be thankful this holiday season. Strong familial relationships can create positive benefits like talking through conflicts and having a support network. Also, having a loving family can even improve other areas of family members’ lives like academics, work, and relationships.

Natalie said she is thankful for, "My family ❤️.”



2. A Place to Call Home

A place to lay your head at night and feel safe can be a great reason to be thankful. Whether your home is big or small, having a place to feel protected is a great feeling.

Melissa said she is thankful for, "A job still, roof over my head, my hubs, and fur children!!” 

Home for Thanksgiving

3. Being Alive

After the pandemic, everyone should feel incredibly thankful for their health and well-being this holiday season. Some people even shared that they had been working on their mental health, despite how difficult it can sometimes be.  

Being Alive


4. Happy and Healthy Dogs

Unsurprisingly, this was the most popular answer among the Big Barker community. Whether people are inviting new dogs into their homes or celebrating the holidays with their pups, it’s a great time to feel thankful for your furry friends.

One person said that they are thankful for, "We got to spend almost 14 years with our Belladonna 💞”

Brynn added, “My old boys good health is still going strong 💪”

Another shared, “ The 7 years I had with my best girl. ❤️🐾”

Debbie said, “For my dog, Timmy, who is my best friend and always by my side no matter what.”

Elizabeth shared that she was thankful for “Her goofy pupper, named Jake, who joined our family this year.”

Dog Ready for Thanksgiving


We were grateful for the ideas and gestures that our Big Barker Community had to offer. Whether you are surrounded by family this holiday season or spending it alone or maybe with your pup, just know that we are thankful for you! We are always here to support you and your dog and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! 


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