Hailley Buckley got a call one Friday evening during a hurricane that was hitting the Southern United States, including Hailley’s hometown in Alabama. It was from a friend she hadn’t heard from in a while.
The call was about a neighborhood dog, Ghost, who Hailey had been taking care of. Lots of neighbors pitched in when it came to Ghost and Hailley helped as much as she could. Hailley’s friend said that Ghost was lost during the hurricane. Her friend reached out because she needed help immediately. Hailley was shocked when she heard that Ghost had been shot and barely made it to to her friend’s front porch before collapsing.
Ghost was badly hurt. Hailley immediately began calling rescues to get help. Luckily, Partners for Pets in Marianna, Florida was able to see her first thing the next morning.
The diagnosis was heartbreaking. The vet explained that Ghost had suffered a through and through shot from a high powered rifle at close range. Even worse, the bullet had been laced with poison.

It truly is a miracle that this dog was still alive. The vet also said she needed treatment for heartworm and has a long road for recovery.
Due to the extent of her injuries and underlying medical conditions, Ghost was having a hard time sleeping, resting comfortably and had trouble getting up and down from her bed. When Hailley reached out to us, we were amazed by her dedication to Ghost’s recovery and were happy to send her a Big Barker to recover on. Since receiving the new bed, she is already seeing improvements with Ghost! Hailley says, “she is snoring and sleeping so well! It is all thanks to the Big Barker company for making it possible for her!”

We’re very glad Ghost is resting comfortably and that there are extraordinarily kind people out there like Hailley. Get well soon, Ghost!
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