1. Names: Kelsey, Ryuk (on the left) and Nori (on the right)
2. Occupation: Stay at home dog mom
3. Location: New Jersey
4. If you could ask your dogs one question, what would it be?
What could I do to make you happier?
5. What's your favorite pic you've ever posted and why?
It’s not our most liked photo but this was the first time that my husband and the dogs met my nieces. I was worried how they’d do since they had never been exposed to children and they loved them and did so amazing!
6. What's something your dog is afraid of?
Ryuk — His own farts
Nori — Patio Umbrellas
7. What's the coolest trick your dog knows?
Ryuk — Sit pretty
Nori — Wave
8. What's their weirdest habit?
Nori will pick up a toy (her babies) anytime you enter the room and parade them around. Ryuk likes to dig at his beds.
9. What's the best thing about being an influencer?
Interacting with other dog owners and photographers. Forming friendships with like-minded people.
10. What's the biggest struggle you've had as in influencer?
Not focusing on engagement or “likes”.
11. What's the most unexpected thing to happen since you started your account?
The strong bonds I have created over the years. I still talk to people I met on here 5 years ago when I got my first Dane Moose.
12. Who are some of your favorite creators?
I have looked up to @freyaeverafter ever since I started using Instagram. She is by far one of my favorite animal photographers! @jessicadrossin is my favorite human photographer because her photos are like paintings and always tell a story. She also offers photoshops actions that I love.
13. What's your hidden talent?
I’m good at guessing the end of movies/shows.
14. What's your favorite hobby (one dog-related and one not)?
Photography and editing. These are literally the only two things I’m good at. I also love fostering animals.
15. How would you define your dogs in three words?
Giant, human-like, loving.
16. What's the best piece of advice you've received?
Happiness is a mood, and it's a condition, not a destination. It's like being tired or hungry, it's not permanent. It comes and goes, and that's okay.
Keep up with Kelsey here:
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