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Supporting Jenna: A Journey of Resilience and Community
At Big Barker, we believe every dog deserves comfort, especially those like Jenna, who are on a special journey to...
Sweet Dog Rescued from Dangerous Conditions
Volunteers at the Stray Rescue of St. Louis (SRSL) received calls about a wounded dog tied to fence. They rushed to...
Senior Shelter Dog Receives Adorable Letter
Snoopy, an adorable senior pup, is catching the hearts of people around the country after spending almost two years at...
Dog Remains Gentle and Loving Despite Rough Life
Sonny spent much of his life homeless before he was rescued by the Jackson County Animal Shelter (JCAS) in March...
Lost Child Saved By His Family Dog
According to New Jersey State Police, a four-year-old went missing on Wednesday after he wandered from his home in Buena...
Stray Dog Rescued From Abandoned Building
Donna Lochmann, Stray Rescue of St. Louis’ Chief Life Saving Officer, received an emergency call one brisk February morning. She picked...
Dog Raised By Coyotes Soon To Be Adopted
After months living in the Nevada wilderness with a pack of coyotes, a dog named Ghost will soon be up...
Guide Dog Foundation: Alfie
In 1946, when the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind was founded, its mission was simple: to provide guide dogs and training...
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