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How To Alleviate Your Dog's Arthritis Pain In The Winter
Humans with arthritis will tell they are in more pain in the cold and wet days than they are in...
Your Dog Can Sense Your Emotions
We know that sometimes our pets can be a mirror to our emotions — whether happy, mad or sad, right?...
Ask The Vet: What Makes Big Dog Care Unique?
Sara Williams, DVM, MPH from Northwest Animal Hospital, has been a veterinarian for 14 years and has owned Northwest Animal...
Preparing For The Winter Storm: Advice For Pet Owners
Historic snowfalls and blizzard conditions are predicted for several states along the East Coast beginning this evening (January 22). Snow...
Ask The Vet: Caring For Big Dogs (Part 2)
Dr. Carol Osborne, DVM from the Chagrin Falls Pet Clinic in Ohio spoke with me about some of the health...
Protect Your Dog In The Winter Months
In many areas of the country, winter has been rather easy. In other areas, winter has settled in and has...
Gift Ideas For Your Dog
Do you buy gifts for your big dog for his or her birthday or Valentine’s Day, Christmas, New Year’s or...
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