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Happy Howlidays 2022 Contest Winners!
This week we hosted our fourth annual Happy Howlidays contest! We loved seeing all the adorable pups celebrating the holiday...
Big Barker | Happy Howlidays 2022
It’s Big Barker’s 4th Annual Howliday Photo Contest and we CAN’T wait to see all your awesome photos! Click the link...
Paws of Honor: Reno and UU2
The goal of Paws of Honor (POH) is to provide veterinary care and products at no charge for retired military...
2022 Halloween Costume Contest Winners
Thanks so much to our amazing Big Barker community for sharing the most creative costumes and the cutest dogs with us!...
Paws of Honor: Gento and Thayer
K9 Gento was an explosive detection canine. He searched for bombs, IED’s, explosive odor. He worked for the US Secret...
Paws of Honor: K9 Tank
Tank is 10-year-old Black Lab who was born in Brazil, trained in a kennel in Northern Indiana and was assigned...
Disabled Rescue Canine Helping Others as a Therapy Dog
Ichabod is getting a new lease on life after a tumultuous start. The malamute has just been granted certification from...
Brave Barkers: Edwards Surgery Recovery
The update you have been waiting for about Edward is finally here! Edward, the lovable, young pit bull who abandoned on a...
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