Ant Starts Rehab!

Ant had his very first rehab appointment with Veterinary Surgical Centers after his surgery to fix his front elbow! 

Ant is the very first dog that was chosen in the Brave Barkers program! This means that he had his entire surgery paid for by anybody who has purchased a Big Barker bed!

But first, take a look at Ant, just 11 days ago when he came out from surgery!

Ant has come so far since then, and is ready to rock his rehabilitation! 

Ant Gets Rehab

After a few days of rest and recovery at home, Ant was able to begin walking with his mom, Charlotte! What a determined guy!

Now, Ant is on to getting his muscle mass back and working with Dr. Matt Brunke on his rehabilitation exercises. 

Ant Gets Rehab

Watch below to hear Dr. Brunke's update on how Ant is doing, now 12 days after his surgery:

"He's doing great! We took his stitches out today! He's got completely normal range of motion in his elbow with very, very little swelling which is great! And he's already gained muscle back in that leg," says Dr. Brunke before Ant splashes him with water from the Hydrotherapy water treadmill!!

"And, as you can see, he got to spend time in the underwater treadmill today working out and getting some strength back! We will continue to see him for rehab therapy over the next 6 weeks. We hope to be able to then graduate him at that point!"

Ant Brave Barkers

We are so proud of you for all of your hard work, Ant! And we are so grateful to Dr. Matt Brunke and the team at Veterinary Surgical Center for the amazing work they are doing with Ant's rehab!

Make sure to follow along for more updates on Ant!