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Update on Hawk: Brave Barkers

Update on Hawk: Brave Barkers

Hawk is the second dog participating in the Brave Barkers organization, which means people like you who have purchased a Big Barker in the past are supporting his medical treatment. 

Since Hawk is a working dog, his handler knew that his injuries would hold him back.

Hawk has been in pain in his knee since the late fall. During his original exam with Dr. Brunke, it was found that he had a slight tear in his ACL and moderate synovitis (swelling and thickening of the joint capsule). They submitted fluid from his joint for lab testing to rule out infection and other causes.


Dr. Brunke, Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Specialist at Veterinary Surgical Specialists has been treating Hawk's injury by giving him injections. 

"Quick update on Hawk. He had his third and final knee treatment with us. We sedated him, injected platelet-rich plasma and synthetic joint fluid into that knee, and now we're going to move on to the recovery phase of his rehab. Rehab will include getting him back using his knee appropriately as well as his whole body.

Getting Hawk some strength and coordination in those leg muscles so that he can return to his job at full capacity is important.

He's been on light duty these last several months and so our goal now will be to get him back to doing all of his working canine duties." -Dr. Matt Brunke

You can watch the entire video update here:

We are so glad that Hawk's treatment is going so well!

Be sure to keep following along as Hawk recovers! 

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