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Barker got a 'tude? Maybe there's a reason why so rude!
Your dog's behavior may be directly linked to its overall health. Read more today for helpful tips in taking care...
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark...
or is it? Check out these adorable dogs meeting even more (dare I say it) cats and kittens for the...
Chance Won't Take Any Chances
Chance is a 10yr old barker who deserves a reward! Even though he’s disabled with hip dysplasia, he still managed...
What Treats Can Dogs Eat?
Yes, trick or treat is over...that was so last month ago. But we're still interested in the question when it...
These Dogs No How to Party!
Some dogs in an English kennel were having the time of their lives every night…and it took a while for...
It's That Time of Year
Can your dog catch the flu? Well, not human flu...but there is a dog variant. Learn more today and how...
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