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Tag You're It!
Skin tags, or those loose formations of skin you see on older dogs, can be innocent formations of fatty tissue...or...
The Dos and Don'ts of Positive Reinforcement
Another great article from the good ‘ol dog whisperer himself. This time it’s focusing us on positive reinforcement training with...
Yes, I've Got a Bit of the Crazies
Now, don’t take the title of this post the wrong way…nor the title of the post I link to. It’s...
A Beautiful Goldendoodle
Lola is a beautiful Goldendoodle that celebrates life today by having her picture taken in some of the most beautiful...
What doesn't belong?
Hmm, from the looks of this picture, we’re not sure. He seems to fit in perfectly fine. So much so...
What does your pet say about you?
What does your pet say about your personality? Did you know that some people believe your pets are a reflection...
Dogs (and Cats) at the Beach for the First Time
This will most likely make you so very, very happy…
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