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Get Down With Yourself!
Here’s a great video of a big ol barker getting down to some beats…as the beat drops, these ears perk...
Storm Watch
One thing is clear during the winter months…our barkers do not like the cold, thunderous weather. If you have a...
Surf's Up! Time to Hang Ten!
Well, even though it’s winter for many of us, I suppose it’s summer somewhere in the world, and so this...
Winter is nigh...
Are you prepared for the winter months that are ahead? How about your barkers? Are they prepared for the cold...
Dog Fight!
An unfortunate circumstance of taking our dogs to the park and enjoying life outside is the possibility of a dog...
Rogaine for Dogs?
Do you find yourself dealing with this problem: your dog’s hair loss. Read this helpful article if you dealing with this issue.
When you gotta go...
…well, you gotta go! This hilarious pooch is off to a rip-roaring start, and then, just like that… things come...
It looks cute...
Ever see your dog press it's head to the wall? This could be a sign of a neurological problem, and...
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