Thor the Junkyard Dog


Meet Thor, a beautiful pit bull who was found hiding in a junkyard pile of trash and debris. The junkyard really wanted to help poor Thor, so they called in some trained dog rescue specialists who could help with this particular case.

Watch as the rescuer works ever so slowly and patiently to bring Thor closer and closer to him. One thing I really about this technique is when they show the whole process of Thor being leashed. You don’t see a rough, strangle hold type of a leashing. This is the exact opposite. Patience is employed; friends are made; tactics pay off.

This is a great video that shows a great amount of love and concern for dogs in general, and Thor in particular.

Take a moment to watch, and make sure you stay tuned all the way to the end to see Thor’s amazing transformation.


Watch: Scared homeless pit bull found hiding deep in a trash heap