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Dog Identification

Dog Identification

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Being able to readily identify your dog is a necessity these days. At times, our dogs may escape a fenced in yard or simply wander off…at other times, and more seriously, our dogs may even be stolen. (Unfortunately, we’ve seen our fair share of such stories like that here on this blog. Thankfully, they have all had good endings.)

For this reason, it’s important to be able to identify your dogs. What are some of the ways for identification? There are a couple. There is the tried and true fashion of getting an identification tag and collar. This is the simplest way of putting an identification marker on your dog. But it’s also the easiest type to get rid of. If your dog is stolen, a thief will have no problem simply removing the tag and replacing it with another. If you do find your dog, the only way of identifying it will be through familiarity, and that really is not proof at all.

So what’s a better way? Well, the tried and true fashion is to microchip your dog. This is a great way of being able to locate your dog when he is lost or stolen. If you want to find out more on microchips, speak to your vet today.

Read the full article here: Everything about pet identification

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